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Formerly Sarnia-Lambton Business Development Corporation, we’ve got a new name and look!

Available grant funding for 2025-2026:


Your Vision. Our Support. Building Stronger Communities Together!

What are the Community Futures Grants?

Welcome to the Community Futures Lambton Grant Program!

We are proud to offer funds annually to empower local organizations and drive community economic development in Sarnia and Lambton County. Our grants—ranging from $500 to $5,000—are designed to support impactful projects that enhance our communities.

Eligibility extends to charitable organizations or registered charities, non-profit corporations, accredited service clubs, social service organizations, and recognized educational institutions.

Join us in building a stronger, more vibrant Lambton County!

Grant funding opportunities available for projects in the following categories:

Youth Initiatives

Tourism Growth & Promotion

Volunteer Development

Social & Cultural Events or Projects

Innovation & Technology

Skills Development, Education & Training

The grant funds awarded will be exclusively used for the personnel and/or project expenses specified in the Project Budget submitted with the application.

Expectations for Grant Recipients

  • Submit a comprehensive application including project deliverables, tasks, timelines, and a detailed budget.
  • Complete a final project report with supporting receipts to verify grant fund usage.
  • Recognize Community Futures Lambton as a project funder in all related materials and events.
  • Adhere to provided branding guidelines for acknowledgment.
  • Allow Community Futures Lambton to publicly share project details.


  • Projects must take place between April 1, 2025, and March 31, 2026.
  • Applicants must be one of the following:
    • Charitable organizations or registered charities
    • Non-profit corporations
    • Accredited service clubs
    • Social service organizations
    • Recognized educational institutions
  • Projects must align with grant priorities such as:
    • Youth initiatives
    • Tourism growth and promotion
    • Volunteer development
    • Social or cultural events
    • Innovation or technology impacting economic development
    • Skills development, education, or training impacting economic development


  • For-profit businesses or individuals.
  • Projects outside Sarnia or Lambton County.
  • Projects unrelated to community economic development.
  • Expenses not outlined in the approved budget categories, including:
    • Fixed equipment purchases
    • Personal expenses or unrelated administrative costs.
    • Expenditures for capital projects or purchases.

Any questions?